





Total Supply



📊 Veve Tokenomics

The Veve tokenomics is a carefully crafted economic framework designed to foster a sustainable and vibrant ecosystem. It encompasses distribution, utility, and dynamic mechanisms to ensure the long-term success and engagement of the Veve community.

💹 Token Distribution:

  1. Initial Allocation:

    • A strategic portion of the total token supply is allocated for project development, marketing, partnerships, and ecosystem growth.

  2. Community Reserve:

    • A significant portion is reserved for the community, promoting decentralization and active participation in the governance of the Veve project.

  3. Staking Rewards Pool:

    • Tokens are allocated to a staking rewards pool to incentivize users to actively contribute to the stability and liquidity of the ecosystem.

  4. Team and Advisors:

    • A portion is allocated for the core development team and advisors, aligning their interests with the long-term success and sustainability of the project.

🚀 Token Utility:

  1. Governance:

    • VEVE holders have governance power, participating in decision-making processes through proposals, discussions, and voting mechanisms.

  2. Staking Incentives:

    • Stakers receive additional VEVE tokens as rewards, encouraging active participation and contribution to the stability of the Veve network.

  3. Access to Unique Features:

    • Holding and actively participating in the Veve ecosystem provide users with exclusive access to upcoming features, collaborations, and events.

🔄 Dynamic Tokenomics:

  1. Token Burns:

    • Periodic token burns may be implemented, removing a portion of the circulating supply to create scarcity and potentially enhance the value of remaining tokens.

  2. Buybacks:

    • In certain scenarios, buyback mechanisms may be initiated to support token price and provide additional value to token holders.

  3. Dynamic Adjustments:

    • The Veve team, in collaboration with the community, reserves the right to implement dynamic adjustments to the tokenomics to adapt to changing market conditions and community needs.

Last updated